JNelson Farms | Protocols
  • GMO-Free

    Animals are raised without feeding genetically modified organisms such as GMO corn or soybeans.
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  • Grass-Fed AND Grass-Finished

    Cattle at JNelson Farms enjoy lush pasture and stored grasses (hay or grass silage) birth to finish, they are never "finished" on corn or grain as is sometimes the case with beef that is marketed as "grass-fed".  Free-choice minerals are also available.

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  • Grown organically from certified organic seed/plant stock

    All vegetables are grown on the premises from certified organic/non-GMO seed and managed without the use of pesticides, herbicides or other non-organic inputs. **We are not a certified organic operation
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  • Never Fed Drugs/Antibiotics

    Animals who are carefully selected and genetically suited to the pasture environment (and who are not raised on confinement where disease spreads more quickly) do not require the sub-therapeutic (daily low level dose) of medications in order to remain in good health.

    On rare occasion to prevent animals from death or suffering, we do allow for the limited use of therapeutic medication. We feel that this is a wise approach as we strive to create a humane environment for our animals and health for the consumer.

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  • No Added Hormones or Steroids

    Hormones and/or steroids are never administered to animals on JNelson Farms.

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  • No Animal By-Products

    Raised without the feeding of animal by-products.

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  • Pasture Raised

    As the seasons allow, animals enjoy open pasture and/or protected wood lots with continual access to forage and fresh water.

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